Saturday, November 15, 2014

Recipe: Thermo Nuclear Devastation Of The Leftovers

*Photo copyright Sam Shockey, 2014*

This recipe is of my own design, inspired by Bristol, England's Onslaught. I had some left over soft maple-smoked goat cheese and plum tomatoes, so I decided to combine them into a snack inspired by the first demo of Onslaught, which I happened to be listening to at the time of my hunger pangs. I hope to bring you more original Heavy Metal-inspired recipes in the future, as my skills in the kitchen build. I didn't even have to conjure Mephistopheles to invent this one, so there's hope for me yet!

1. I took my last 3 pieces of whole wheat, multi-grain bread, toasted them lightly, slivered my tomatoes, placed them on top with some leftover scallions (don't overdo it, go lightly!) and evenly distributed the cheese, and sprinkled some olive oil. I placed it back in the toaster oven on about 375F for a few minutes until cheese started to brown very lightly at edges and tomatoes were warm and soft.

2. Served with some spring mix salad, coated in more olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, and pepper. I mixed it thoroughly and had some baby carrots on the side.

Until next time, keep "treading the path towards death" of hunger!

*Recipe and photo copyright The Samnambulist, 2014*

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